June 26, 2005
Or perhaps Alban Heruin is better. Well, you might be asking yourself right now, what are they babbling about. (And I say they advisedly because you don’t know if it is me or Kim or me or Mark or me or me or Mark or Kim writing this. As if. ;=)
We had a large group who came up for a summer solstice party. Though, I don’t think it’s a Celtic solstice they were celebrating but rather more along the lines of what I remember from Sweden during midsummer. A more Swedish-esqe midsommar.
In Sweden, they say that during svenska midsommarfesten (svenska == Swedish midsommar is midsummer, fest == party/festival/holiday, en == the) the sun dances in the sky. In parts of Sweden, the sun does not set during this holiday. The joke is, that after staying up all day and night partying, that’s part of the tradition, that it is your eyes dancing not the sun. Actually, that’s one of the better Swedish jokes I’ve heard. 😉
The other group that came up, somewhat smaller, was up here for a sweat lodge ceremony. I know less about what type of sweat lodge this was. Here’s one reference I cannot vouch for but they may have been doing something more Scandinavian for all I know. Here’s another reference for those wishing to do some more Swedish or Finnish like sweating. And yes, the Swedes do take Finnish Sauna sometimes.
Well, this was a fun weekend. Wish you were here.