September 22, 2005
Well, people come here and drink beer and wine and soft drinks. Mostly they drink wine. However, I must say, Kenn Backhaus’ workshop is a beer drinking workshop. Thanks just terrific. I thought I was the only one drinking beer. 😉
Well, so far, they liked the chicken the best with the salmon a close second. The chocolate mousse is a fav with the waffles and ice cream a good second but to tell you the truth, I think every loves the fruit cup. It’s the feel good about dessert factor! 😉
I tried two new veggies. One was a julienne carrot with apple juice and brown sugar glaze and the other is a zucchini and sun dried tomatoes. They went ape. This workshop has been my tester workshop and I appreciate it. I’ve done more new dishes this workshop then any other, except maybe, and I say maybe, that time I was serving the Chinese chicken salad with the bao.
Did someone say chicken salad??? Slowly I turn, step by… Do you think a pint would make it to Arizona without spoiling!? I’m going to have to retire in NY and give some guitar workshops at your place, perhaps entertain for my supper. I’m getting tired of boca burgers out here. Maybe recruit brother Johnny to accompany me on keyboards. We can call ourselves “Pablo McElton”. -cm
I like the name. You could pretend that one of you is Mexican and the other Chinese. No, wait, that’s been done.
OK. You could pretent that one of you is Italian and the other is, well, Italian? No that wont work either.
How about this, you guys could do heavy metal flamenco. That’d work.
PS Niagra Falls.