January 10, 2006
It’s embarrassing but it’s above freezing right now. I’ve laid down salt etc. on the walkways and we’re ready for our first workshop with Stanley Maltzman, Pastel Painting and Drawing Workshop. We’re going to be having Austrian, naturally, and Russian food as well as some of the favorites, Maple Salmon, for instance. Yum! Plus the Gluhwein and the hot chocolate. Come on, people, how could an art workshop get any better?
The Winter here is beautiful. I hope you come up to see. We are enjoying the season already. The Art Workshops will be very good. Next year we’re also having Winter Art Workshops. I’ll be putting those workshops up in the Spring. So, look for them on the website at the same address.
And don’t forget our fiber art workshops. They’ll follow hot on the heals of our Winter Art Workshops.
Oh, yes, we’re back and blogging.