February 4, 2006

InnSane Painting Art Workshops

For Betsy Apgar-Smith’s Winter Watercolor Art Workshop, last day, I’m serving homemade mint chocolate chip bonbons tonight for dessert. Hansen, our dishwasher, that’s his nickname, said to me, “Cinnamon I understand because you can’t buy that at Bryants but Mint Chocolate Chip you can get anywhere.” That is, until he tried it. He agreed that MY mint chocolate chip you can’t get anywhere. Fresh mint and dark chocolate chips with a dark chocolate bonbon covering…

You do the math. I make two quarts for the price of 2 gallons of store bought. 1/2 & 1/2 and heavy cream only with fresh vanilla, Madagascar in this case but later I’m going to do a blend of Mexican, Madagascar and Tahitian vanilla with fresh mint leaves and dark (50-60%) chocolate chip! Yummer!