In honor of all this fusing that’s going on here, I decided to fuse my American Maple Salmon with Japanese cuisine. So, that’s Soy Maple Salmon with maki! I prepared 3 rolls. The Greenville Arms 1889 Inn roll, the Hudson River Valley Fiber Art Workshops roll and finally the Maki Mark roll! Well, all you painters, you’re getting a traditional Valencian Paella instead. You’ve already had the salmon last year and this last Winter as well. Though the rolls are new for the art quilting workshops.
You may say, “What fusing, Mark? Kim?” Indeed, we have not only added Winter Workshops, but we’ve added Fiber and Art Quilt Workshops. Fusing is a technique for composing, collaging fabric without sewing. You fuse rather than piece. Well, we fused the painting workshops schedule with some great quilting classes. That’s art quilt and fiber art to you! So, now we have 39 workshops.
Here’s me preparing the final dish. Note the new plates. Again, we need a food photographer. Hey, any of you artists out there interested in photographing some food?

Getting the Maki ready to put on the new plates. No, those are the old plates. Look at the final plate to see what the new plates looks like.

Here’s the final plate:

Here’s the luscious dessert:

Here we are serving. John, Kim and I served them. These new plates are big. Check them out. They look like painter’s palettes.

Here I am explaining what the dish is about.

And finally, here are the people that ate them! Yum! Are these people having fun or what?

Ooh, look whose eating tons of carbs! 😉

If only blogger would let me upload my photos. I’d have the rest of the photos up as well. Sigh! Technical difficulties. I had to do major work to get some of these up. Normally, I shop them myself and just reference them via a URL off of