December 16, 2006

Well, our cards are on order and we should be sending them out next week. So, hold onto your hats. Keep your fingers crossed. They are coming.

Thank you one and all for sending us these wonderful cards, letters and gifts. They are beautiful. Monica, Bunny, Ron, Diane, Clark, BJ, Mom(1 and 2), Colette, Donaldo, the Children of the Corn, and many more that I am sure I am missing, thanks for the artwork, the thoughts and we hope to see you all in the future, yes, even you Mom(1 and 2).

Have a Happy, Snappy, Winter and a colder New Year. (It is HOT ere! What a time for a Winter Workshop. Next year we will be open. We’re using Winter to go visit area attractions. We just got back from the Vanderbilt Museum.)
