March 15, 2007

The story begins with our humble artist. No, not the magnificent Susan O. but rather with the humble Chef, turned at times to an even humbler pastry chef.

Preparing something classic and yet of melting goodness, a dacquoise. (Somebody took a pastry course. I wonder who it is?) Notice the amaretto caviar or is that amaretti caviar? A little molecular gastronomy anyone? That may be next year’s theme.

And presenting it to Susan O’s delight.

And a fun time was eaten by all.

And now we see the Pozole. The second to last class to get Pozole. It’s now retired for the year. Good by Mr. Pozole. Hello, Mr. Stracoto. I’m reprising this fantastic dish for this year’s theme of comfort food.

And now the rest of Susan’s class:

This was a wonderful winter class and they had a wunnerful time.