Yes, Skip Lawrence’s workshop was here before Mary Whyte’s workshop, but horrors of horrors, I didn’t get any pictures! My excuse is that Mark was freshly home after having rotator cuff surgery and needed extra attention — AND our dalmatian Hudson had bladder stones! I had to take him him to the emergency animal hospital twice in one day – one time at 1:00am. The good news is that finally Mark and Hudson are recovering nicely. Both are itching to get back to their regular activities.
In any case, it is always wonderful to have Skip and Diane and the rest of the crew, both regulars and new students, here for their week at the start of Fall. We look forward to it every year. Next year I promise to take a ton of pictures.
Mary Whyte also had a full workshop (next time I think we’ll keep the number down to 18 students! when you add 2 models into the room, it does get a little tight. 😉 and kept busy all day and into the evenings.
Here is the happy group at the dinner table. Mary is the first one on the left.
The first day was spend on still life set ups. The second day on landscapes. On the third and four day, two models were brought in for portraits. On the final day, students had their choice of subject matter.
Mary also included general discussions on topics of interest to the students. In this particular session, they discussed things such as how to get your art “out there” with postcards and other methods.
It must be Fall because the mums are on the front porch. Stanley Maltzman brought a huge white mum plant (his annual tradition) and I put it center stage. I also finally potted the red and white dahlias and they looked great for about 2 days until they were hit with the first frost! Oh, well. I’ll have to dig them up and winter them in the garage. They were beautiful dahlias that I bought at one of the local nurseries, Mosswood Gardens, for Eric Weigardt’s workshop to paint.