Lew Lehrman came back for one more time to teach his Travel Sketching workshop.
This time the workshop coincided with a Youth Fair in a near by town.
It was a sweltering day, so the group took refuge under the “Fair Idol” tent. They sketched the sights of the fair while listing to the vocal stylings of the idol-hopefuls.

The fair was a well attended event and had all the requisite fair pleasures – the big white tents,
Food vendors, selling things like Texas Tornado potato chips and lemonade.

Here is Lew helping a mother-daughter team, Elizabeth and Sarah, as they painted their sketches.
Couldn’t be a fair without the kids and their horses.
And flop-eared rabbits.
And what could be better for dinner after spending the day at the fair, but yummy fresh the farm sweet corn.
Paired with Orange/Soy Glazed Chicken Thighs baked over a Portabello Mushroom.
On another night, Lew had the group sketching their dinner. Mark, the chef, did his best to create a dinner with large shapes and clear contrasting colors – like this fresh spinach salad with white mushrooms and red tomatoes.

On dinner sketching night, some of the students contributed to the colorful display, bringing sunflowers and a watermelon purchased from Story’s Farm, where they had spent the afternoon sketching.
Dinner was finished with some White Chocolate ice cream. Mark added the brush of dark chocolate to provide contrast with the white bowl.
Thanks, Lew, for another successful workshop!