We had an impressive lightening storm during Bob Burridge’s workshop and Bob was thrilled with it! It turns out that he loves spectacular displays of weather, so during the storm some of us sat out on the front porch sipping beer and watching the show.
The weather during the rest of the workshop was beautiful which was great for experimenting with CitraSolv. CitraSolv is a natural cleaner and degreaser that many artists have begun to use for artistic purposes — so much so that CitraSolv has an entire section of their website devoted to artists using CitraSolv.
Bob took the class out on the lawn in back of the workshop studio to show how CitraSolv can be sprinkled on National Geographic magazines to create wild and wonderful collage papers.

The class also celebrated Lois’ birthday by requesting a specially decorated chocolate chip cookie at cookie time!

And Bob lead everyone in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday.

Meanwhile everyone continued to produce some amazing work all around the studio. In this corner we have John, Elizabeth, Peggy, and Dale. Most people worked standing up and were able to use the table risers we provide to raise the height of the tables.

In this corner is Cristina and Louise. You can see out the windows how green the landscape around that inn has become.

That big grin on Tanya’s face is probably because she got into the class 2 days before it began due to a last minute cancellation by someone else! Bob had a long waiting list for this years class and already his next years class is starting to fill.

On Friday night after dinner everyone gathered for a group photo. What a happy crowd!