We debuted a new breakfast special at the Greenville Arms 1889 Inn – home to the workshops. Everyone loved it and was anxious to get the recipe. I’ve posted the complete recipe on our Inn blog.

We debuted a new breakfast special at the Greenville Arms 1889 Inn – home to the workshops. Everyone loved it and was anxious to get the recipe. I’ve posted the complete recipe on our Inn blog.
The weather was so beautiful and enticing last week during the Paul Leveille portrait painting workshop, that Paul set up his demo “studio” outside under the shade trees.
It was an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon for everyone.
This is Paul’s finished demo in oil.
The next day, Paul performed a portrait demo in watercolor.
It was a very relaxed week. Everyone raved about Paul – as a portrait artist and as an instructor! If you missed this year, Paul will be back again – same time, same place – in 2013!
I ordered more of our great Hudson River Valley Art Workshop t-shirts in all new colors and I must have been carried away by the colors because I ordered way too many and now I have no where to store them!
The colors left to right are: Crunchberry, Mystic, Violet, Sandstone, and Salmon.
So we are having a “what-was-I-thinking-ordering-this-many-t-shirts” SALE! The shirts are 15% off – normally $15 and now just $12.75. They come in Small, Medium, and Large. They are on sale until my office table space is cleared off!
If you can’t stop by, I’m happy to mail it to you, adding just postage costs – $2.48 for 1 shirt via First Class Mail (or $4.75 via priority if you are in a hurry) or for 2 shirts, $9.37 via priority (no First Class option as the weight is over that limit).
Our toll-free phone number is 888-665-0044. We accept Visa, MC, or Discover.
Paul Leveille is here this week teaching a portrait workshop. Yesterday afternoon he did a demo portrait in oil.
Today and the next afternoon, he’ll do one demo in watercolor and the other in pastel.
Last night the group enjoyed a savory Lamb Tangine, shown here in the process of being prepared. It simmers until the lamb pieces are melt-in-your-mouth tender.
Dessert was carrot cake with a cream cheese frosting!
After Paul’s workshop is a 3-day workshop taught by Ellen Gavin – Painterly Oils of Horses and Dogs. Two of the people in Paul’s workshop are staying for Ellen’s, but there is still room in Ellen’s class.
As you might imagine, during our workshop season we are kept quite busy and it is hard to get away from the inn, even for just a haircut. But luckily one of our waitresses, Megan, is also a hairdresser! So chef Mark, scheduled her to cut his hair in our office.
So next time you are here and need a new hairdo, ask for Megan!
Karen Rosasco, the award-winning watermedia artist, is here this week teaching an experimental watermedia workshop.
Already some students have expressed interest in signing up for her class here in 2012!
This is only day 2, but Karen has everyone working hard with the various challenges she has issued.
Students have come from far and wide. On this table we have Texas, Minnesota, and Quebec represented, but the prize for the farthest goes to Leo S., who is from Chile.
Karen continually circulates around the room, answering questions and offering individual critiques on the works in progress.
Susan insists that she is not being secretive, just trying to prevent stuff from falling off her table!
This is a great little piece by Sue St John.
A riot of color and materials! Call me crazy, but I just love seeing all that STUFF massed on the tables. Makes you want to just dive in and start creating.
After a full day (and then some) of painting, the group is hungry! Last night’s dinner was a braised short ribs Moroccan style – the short ribs are under all of those savory vegetables . . .
. . . . and fresh corn on the cob. Fresh Blueberry Pie was the topper for the evening.
Tonight’s dish is a favorite from last season – Chicken Thigh on a Portobello Mushroom with an Orange-Soy Glaze. Dessert is chocolate layer cake with a fresh strawberry cream filling. All of the desserts are made fresh in our kitchen each day.
The Spring weather has been wonderful the gardens around the inn. If you are interested in the happenings and gardens around the inn, check out our inn blog – Inn and Around
Frank Francese, a fabulous watercolorist from Colorado, is here this week teaching a 5-day workshop.
Frank is presenting a demo each morning and then giving the group a new challenge every day.
The view from the demo mirror. Some very exciting color use!
Everyone in Leah’s workshop was intensely focused on their painting while in the studio, but they knew how to let it all go and have fun around the dinner table!
There were some very accomplished artists in this workshop and all of them had nothing but praise for Leah Lopez as an instructor. Judy Scanlon said this of Leah, “She more than met my expectations. She was patient, insightful, and explained things clearly. Besides that, she’s a good person!”
This is Judy and the painting she worked on.
This is a painting by Kenneth Brant.
He started another painting on the third day.
Everyone had their own way of arranging their still life. I think Dottie Laughlin’s was the highest!
Jeff Olson and Maureen Ohrtman worked side by side, but each had their own still life set up.
All in all a wonderful workshop and a wonderful bunch of people. Three days seem too short! So we’ve asked Leah to come back in 2013 to teach a 5-day workshop. It will most likely be sometime in June.
Leah Lopez, known for her incredible classical still life painting, is here teaching a 3-day workshop on still life. However, the weather was just so perfect today that she could not resist taking the class outside for her morning demo.
Leah is painting the Main Inn side lawn which is surrounded by maple, pine, and birch trees.
It’s not hot enough to go in the pool yet, but it makes a lovely setting for lunch.
The next workshop is a 5-day workshop with the marvelous Frank Francese, a watercolor artist from Colorado. There is still room in this workshop, so if you have an urge to get away to the beautiful Catskills and paint for a week, give us a call!