July 18, 2011
Esterita Austin taught 2 back-to-back workshops here last week. The idea was to start with still life in the 2-day workshop and then progress to a portrait in the following 3-day workshop. Well, that whole premiss was scraped on the first day! Everyone decided that they wanted to jump right in to portraits, including the one woman who signed up for just the 2-day workshop.
As a result, there were some fabulous portrait pieces created by all!
This is Esterita demonstrating how to use textile paint to create shadows that then bring features forward. She is using the amazing portrait piece created by Janet in just two days.

This is the start of the self-portrait by Kris M. of Austin, TX.

And here is the finished piece. Amazing because this was Kris’ very first workshop!

Teri spent a lot of time circulating the studio with individual guidance when ever it was requested.

Don’t you just love the hair on Jo’s self-portrait!

Cindy, from CA, was only there for 2 days of the 3-day workshop, but created this fabulous portrait that really captures her contagious laugh! She said she plans to use it for her FaceBook picture.

This is the portrait of Alison C’s husband that she started a couple years ago in another of Esterita’s classes at Hudson River Valley Art Workshops and this time she finished it!

The full piece has the entire motorcycle in it, which you can see in the first picture in this blog post.