August 17, 2011
Kim English, the master of the quick-sketch oil painting from Colorado, is here this week teaching a 5 day workshop to a full class.
The first day Kim had the class doing 5 minute paintings with a model in the studio (it was a rainy day). Once the 5 minutes was up, you wiped off your sketch and started a new one with the next pose. Some people just about had heart attacks with the required speed, amount of paint and turp! But there was method to this madness. The next day the pose time was extended to 20 minutes and suddenly this seemed like a long and leisurely amount of time to paint.
And best of all the sun came out mid-day and the class was able to move outside with the two models and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Today the group went out to our favorite local farm. It was a gorgeous day!

Lots of beautiful paintings and beautiful smiles!