October 26, 2011
Gloria Loughman, the marvelous quilt artist from Australia, is here this week to teach “Painting a Landscape with Fabric.”
The colors are already flying all over the studio — literally if someone happens to sneezes or leaves the door open!
The first day was spent discussing designs and all of the possibilities of playing with color. Then the whole group dove into their projects with full enthusiasm. They started with painting on fabrics and then by mid-morning Tuesday, background “fabrics” were taking shape and landscape designs were on the walls.

Most people are using a tiling technique to create background fabrics. The tile shape possibilities are squares, diamonds, rectangles.

This class is also like a mini-reunion for about half the people in the class, as they were all here together last year in a workshop with Katie Pasquini Masopust.

They are working hard and enjoying the meals. Tonights dessert is Banana Bread Pudding with Hard Sauce.