May 11, 2012
Linda Long said, “Kim, you have to advertise about the “Happy Hour” during the workshop! The time when everyone gathers in the front parlor before dinner with a glass of wine or a mug of beer is what sold me on coming so often to your workshops!”
So here is what Happy Hour at the Hudson River Valley Art Workshops looks like! This was during the Hollis Chatelain workshop and this group knew how to have a good time.

While the students and teacher are having a rousing good time in the parlor, our waitstaff is busy setting the tables for dinner.

We have a wonderful selection of reasonably priced wine and beers on our menu, as well as more pricey ones if you are so inclined. We had one woman at a workshop who had a glass of champagne every night. I think she had the right idea and I now follow her example whenever I get the opportunity to get away for a workshop!