June 19, 2012
The wonderful Ted Nuttall was recently here to teach a 5-day workshop on creating portraits in watercolor using photographs for reference.
Ted is a fabulous figurative artist who’s work has won numerous awards. But even more important to the students, he is a teacher who not only knows how to teach, but how to inspire!
Nothing but smiles in this class!
Ted gave everyone plenty of individual guidance at their easel.
Another reason for smiles during the workshop was the delicious food. This is a new twist on one of last year’s favorites – the Orange-Soy Glazed Chicken on a Portabello Mushroom. This year the chef is using an “airline” cut of chicken, which is mostly a boneless chicken breast.
It is marvelous paired with fresh seasonal corn on the cob, broccoli and sautéed parsnips.
Here is Chef Mark, brushing on the soy glaze and Kadi, one of our waitstaff, sprinkling on the toasted sesames.