October 23, 2012
You have to be passionate about your painting and about painting outdoors when you take a workshop by Alvaro Castagnet.
The second day of the workshop was bright and sunny — but “brisk” because of the cold wind. It did not deter these passionate painters from spending the day in the Hudson riverside town of Coxsackie. Bundled against the chill, they still found inspiration on this vintage town.

Lunchtime. Is this a group of artists or homeless waifs?

Wednesday brought out the sun again, but this time it was luckily without the wind. A beautiful Fall day at the farm.

The animated conversations continued around the dinner table.

Hmm. Looks like someone opted for a piece of the apple pie from the previous dinner rather than have the decadent chocolate cake being served that evening! Not something I would ever do, but the group loved having options. They especially loved that fact that any leftover dessert (carrot cake, apple pie, chocolate cake, fruit tarts) would be put out the following afternoon for an after workshop snack.

On the final day, which was a rainy day, Alvaro did a charcoal sketch and then a watercolor demo in the front parlor of our inn, the Greenville Arms 1889 Inn. The groups is gathering around here to take pictures of the finished sketch.

This is the sketch. Love how Alvaro has interpreted the space.

The October Glories in our front yard are putting on their Fall color show.