Start with inks and acrylics, add a touch of collage and a pinch of print making and you have the perfect recipe for a mixed media masterpiece!
That was the starting point of the description for Cathy Taylor‘s 3-day workshop, and from there it was just 3 days packed with Cathy sharing her expertise and passion for her medium, as well as loads of laughter and story telling.
Marcia brought with her a bunch of “failed” paintings and turned them into winners with the application of the techniques she learned from Cathy.

The first day Cathy had the group creating masses of altered collage papers with CitraSolv and National Geographic magazines. It was amazing to see the cool effects with the colors on the different pages.

A woven collage of altered papers.

Next on the agenda were those amazing alcohol inks! The vibrancy of the colors was outstanding!

This is one of the stencils that Cathy had available for the students to use.

Another of Marcia’s transformed paintings!

Be sure to watch for Cathy Taylor’s new book from Shiffer Publications due out in the Fall – Pigments of Your Imagination, Creating with Alcohol Inks.