The always fun and inspiring Sue Benner was here last week teaching her “Driven to Abstraction” workshop. This was a very productive class that really threw themselves into all the daily design exercises presented by Sue.

Here is the entire happy crew!

The last night of the workshop was Halloween, so we invited the class to join in with costumes and a number of them really had some great looks, especially JoLee Tarbell. Don’t you just love that 10′ feather boa and striped stockings!

The group gathered in the front parlor before dinner, snapping photos of everyone who appeared in costume.

Even Chef Mark and Kadi, one of our servers, joined in the fun. How often do you get to say your dinner was made by a wizard and served by Pippi Longstocking?!

The cut-leave maple in back of the Main Inn was in full glowing Fall color during the class.

If you missed this class, Sue Benner will be back again in 2015 teaching “Construction / Abstraction.”