Every year at around Labor Day we hold the Artist Retreat, a self-directed retreat welcoming artists working in any media, paint, fiber, or anything else, to come enjoy working in the air conditioned studio, open 24 hours a day. This year we even had a bead mosaic artist stay for the week, but instead of working on her art, she spent the week working on a presentation for her “day job.” She said it was very liberating to be able to focus on her project and not have to worry about meals, or cleaning house, or anything else. She felt totally taken care of. Meanwhile in the studio, we had number of painters enjoying the focused creative time.
This is a cold wax piece in the works by one of the artists who comes every year. He says this place is “his muse” and is always preparing for a show when he comes to the retreat. When he returns the next year, we get the report of all his paintings that have sold that he created at the retreat.
Here we have the work of the first of the “dueling painters”. This woman would go out early in the morning and paint outdoors at some of the wonderful locations in the area.
Then this painter would ask us for a photo of the same location from our extensive files and he would gleefully paint the same scene while remaining in the air conditioned studio with coffee, lunch, and cookie time just a short walk away.
And speaking of food, everyone enjoyed the maple soy salmon on one of the nights.