Bronx-based quilt artist Paula Nadelstern returns to our studio in 2020 with her Kaleidoscopes and Quilts workshop from April 19th-25th. As part of our Instructor Interview series for next year, we asked Paula to let us know what’s new in her world!
Q: Tell us what’s new in your personal art practice!
PN: In 2018, I received a Bronx Recognizes Its Own award and used the funds to purchase a Bernina 750 so I could finally begin the journey toward successfully machine piecing. Wish me luck.
I’ve got three new collections premiering at 2019 Quilt Market: Where in the World, Artful Snowflake and an enlarged group of Marbellas. I’ve been enjoying creating simple quilts with these complex fabrics, inspired by the pattern bumping into pattern lessons learned making KALEIDOSCOPIC XLI: The Prague Spanish Synagogue Ceiling. These collections will be available in the studio.
In December, I’ll start KALEIDOSCOPIC XLIII exploring a new-to-me mirror system in a lovely Japanese kaleidoscope in my collection. Perhaps I’ll be able to share some new design directions by the class.

Q: What will be new or different about your workshop this year?
PN: We’ll begin by focusing on technique, learning to detangle angles. This will lead to unique compositions and lay-outs, If students who have been in class before (or even those who haven’t) want to contact me in advance, we can talk about the direction you’d like to take this year.