Here it is, it’s very simple. This recipe make about 5 or 6 drinks, depending on how much you give each person. It’s sweet and you may want to cut the sugar in half, but try it like this and you’ll agree that this is the best eggnog you’ve ever had.

See, even Hudson is begging for some. Don’t give it to your puppy. It’s too strong.
Separate 5 eggs.
Mix the 5 egg yolks first with almost a cup of dark rum, I usually use a scant cup, about 9/10ths. I let that sit to “cook”.
Then I take the whites and put in two heaping table spoons of powdered sugar and a whip to hard peaks. Usually, I start whipping the whites and then close to the end add the sugar.
Next, I add 4 heaping table spoons of powdered sugar and a pinch of white sea salt to the yolk mixture. (This year I used the salt we were given in Austria at the great Edel Beisel. Nice.) I whip that in and then add a cup of heavy (38-40%) cream. I whisk this up.
Next, gently fold in the whites. Remember, you don’t want to over whip the whites and at this stage you must fold in the whites to preserve the fluffiness of the drink.
Serve with a pinch of mace on top. I like mace better than nutmeg because it is more pungent. But you can use nutmeg, freshly ground if you got it. It’s hard to find mace unground. But, if you want it in blade form, here it is at my favorite Savory Spice Shop. Tell them Chef Mark sent you. It’s hard to grind but it you’re the type that grates their own nutmeg, then have at it and enjoy.
Don’t forget, these are raw eggs. So, in the case of kids, invalids or other people with health problems, best to buy the already pasteurized eggs.

See, it knocked my Mom for a loop. She’ll tell you because it’s strong.
Bree is done eating and now it’s time for bed. God natt och God Jul.
OK, OK. So we’re drinking my fantastic hot chocolate. But it’s close enough. 😉